The Naoya Castle Ruins
1 城の定義(広辞苑)‥ 敵を防ぐために築いた軍事的構造物。
日本では、古くは柵や石垣又は濠・土塁をめぐらしたが、中世には地形を利用して防御を施す山城が発達し、もっぱら戦闘用であった。 戦国時代後は、領内統治・城内居住・権勢表示なども兼ねた、いわゆる城郭が完成。多くは平野に臨む小丘の上、又は平地に築かれ二重三重に濠をめぐらし、本丸・二の丸三の丸などに郭(曲輪)を区分。石累上に多くの櫓(やぐら)類を建て物見や射撃に利用し、本丸には天守閣を設けて郭の中軸とし、表には大手門、裏には搦手(からめて)門を構え、住居用の殿舎をも備えた。
Definition of Castle(Kojien Dictionary) : A military structure built to prevent enemies
In Japan, fences, stone walls, moats, and earthworks were used in the olden days to build castles, but in the Middle Ages, mountain castles that used the terrain to protect them were developed. These mountain castles were mainly used for combat. After the Warring States period, many of these castles also served for territorial rule, residence, and display of power. Most of these mountain castles were built on a small hill facing the plain or on a flat ground. They were surrounded by double or triple moats, and were divided into the main, second and third enclosures. Turrets were used for watching and shooting, and the castle tower was set up in the center of the main enclosure. It had the ntrance gate in front and the Rear Entrance gate in back along with the residential buildings.
2 戦国時代
The Warring States Period
The Warring States period started from 1467 when the Onin War took place in the Muromachi period and weakened the power of the Muromachi Shogunate. It lasted for a little over a hundred years until the Muromachi Shogunate was overthrown in 1573. It is called a “Turbulent Age”, the era of the world where the weak are victims of the strong. The new waring lords appeared and took over the former provincial military governors.
3 城の種類
- 立地別・・・山城、平城、平山城、水城など
- 機能別・・・本城、支城、番城、繋ぎ城など (一時的に利用するものは、陣城・砦)
Types of Castles
- By location: mountain castle, plateau castle, water castle, etc.
- By function: main castle, branch castle, connecting castle, temporary-use castle, etc.
4 城の目的
- 戦国時代まで・・・防御に主眼を置いた。(中世の山城
- 安土桃山時代以降・・・防御、権威の誇示、領内統治(行政の中心機能)を兼ねた。) (近世城郭 ‥ 平地に水濠、高石垣、天守閣を備えた)
Purpose of Castle
- Until the Warring States period, the main purpose of the castles was defense. (Medieval mountain castles)
- After the Azuchi-Momoyama period, the castles have served for not only defense, but also for display of the authority, central function and administration. (Early modern castle: had water moats, high stone walls, and a castle tower on the flatland.)
5 城の数の推移
- 最も多い戦国時代・・・3万~4万(5万との説もあり)
- 江戸時代初期・・・175(一国一城令で廃城)
- 明治初期・・・65(廃城令)
- 戦前(天守閣あり)・・・20(近代化のための開発等で減少)
- 現在(天守閣あり)・・・12(太平洋戦争の空襲で焼失し減少)
Changes in Number of Castles
- The Warring States period:around 30,000-40,000 castles (Alternative theory claims 50,000)
- The Early Edo period:175 castles (abandoned by the Law of One Castle per Province)
- The Early Meiji period:65 castles (Ordinance for Disposal of castles)
- Pre-World War I:20 castles (decreased by developments for modernization)
- Post World War I:12 castles (decreased by burning down in the air raids of the Pacific War)
Naoya Castle
1 直谷城の主な遺構(直谷城俯瞰図参照)
- 追手口・追手道・・・城の東側(北小学校側)からの進入路で、表口・表通りに当たり、途中に木戸が三箇所ある。(江戸時代の近世城郭では、「大手口・大手道)
- 出 郭・・・追手郭の外にあり、最初に敵を迎え討つ砦。(近世城郭では「出丸」)
- 竪 堀・・・山の斜面を縦にV字形に深さ2~3㍍掘削し、侵入した敵の横への移動を阻む。(追手道に2本、搦手道に2本)
- 武者溜り・・・侵入した敵を迎え撃つため兵が集まる場所で、要所要所に多数あり。
- 武者走り・・・戦の時各郭や武者溜り間の連絡通路で、尾根筋や崖の中段を通っている。
- 井 戸・・・城には三ヶ所の水源があったが、籠城の時は追手郭の井戸のみとなる。この井戸を守るため、堅固な追手郭の防備が必要。
- 追手郭・・・籠城時、井戸を守るため、四重の土塁(三重の空堀)で、防御に最重要箇所。
- 矢石置場・・・城の外周を巡る断崖で最も低い場所に備えた投石置場。積み石が多数現存する。
- 一の郭・・・城の東側上部にある中枢の郭で、兵舎や広場がある。(近世城郭では本丸)
- 二の郭・・・城の西側上部にある城主の居住区。(近世城郭では二の丸)
- 櫓 台・・・櫓を組み立て監視警戒に当たる。一の郭の東突端と上部中央の二か所。中央の櫓台跡には、安徳天皇伝説に基づき、現在「安徳神社」が祀られている。
- 搦手口・搦手道・・・城の西側からの進入路で、裏口、裏通りにあたり、途中に木戸1か所。
- 首切り堂(伝)・・・追手郭の崖外南方に、罪人や戦での捕虜を処刑したとされる場所。(現在は、崖の崩落で確認できない)
Main Remains of Naoya Castle
The castle is surrounded by earthworks, masonry, and is composed of a number of enclosures.
- Entrance road: On the approach road from the east side of the castle (north elementary school side). There are three wooden gates from here to the main enclosure.
- Outer enclosure: A fort that is outside the entrance and the first point of encountering the enemy
- Ascending trench: The slope of the mountain is excavated vertically in a V-shape with a depth of 2 to 3 m to prevent the invading enemy from moving sideways
- Warrior mobilization area: A place where the soldiers gather to fight back the invading enemies, and there were many soldiers at the key points
- Warrior passage: At the time of war, it is a connecting passage between each mobilization area.
- Well: Source of water. It was essential to protect the well when under attack
- Entrance enclosure: Earthworks, dry moats are in place to protect the well
- Throwing Stone Storage Site: A stone yard prepared for the lowest point on the cliff that surrounds the outer circumference of the castle. Many stones still exist
- First enclosure: In the upper eastern part of the castle, with barracks and open spaces
- Second enclosure: The castellan's residential area in the upper part of the west side of the castle
- Watch tower: Turrets for security observation in two places: the east and west
- Rear entrance: An approach road from the west side of the castle
- Execution site: A place where the sinners and the war prisoners were executed in the south outside of the cliffs of the pursuit. (Proof of existence at this site cannot be confirmed due to the collapse of the cliff)
2 直谷城の遺構から想定されること
このように、双方の攻め口とも険阻な岩山の地形を巧みに利用した城構えとなっている。 こうしたことから、戦に鉄砲が用いられるようになるまでは、直接直谷城を攻め落とすことは容易ではなかったと思われる。
- 明応4年(1495)城主純昌のとき、竜造寺と大村の連合軍に攻められ落城
- 永正10年(1513)城主純次のとき、兄の松浦興信に攻められ、一日で和睦
- 永禄6年(1563)城主純量のとき、平戸の松浦隆信に攻められ、十日間の籠城の末敗走
Hypotheses from the remains of Naoya Castle
Surrounded by the 30m high cliffs, Naoya Castle is considered to be a natural fortress, which limits the invading enemies to attack only from the eastern entrance road and the western rear entrance.
When under attack from the entrance road, many obstacles were made using the natural terrain such as an outer enclosure, ascending trenches (or moats), warrior mobilization areas, wooden gates, and stone throwing storage sites.
When under attack from the rear entrance, there are two ascending trenches on the steep slope on the north side, and the folding screen-shaped rocks with a height of 5 meters on the south side making it almost impossible to invade. There are a warrior mobilization area and a wooden gate facing the front from the middle of the rear entrance. The natural terrain, being almost as it is, serving the firm protective setting.
In this way, both access ways of the enemies to the castle are strongly protected, skillfully utilizing the rugged rocky terrain.
For these reasons, it seems that it was not easy to directly attack and overcome Naoya Castle until the guns were used in the war.
However, in case of holding the castle being surrounded by the enemy, it is thought that it could not withstand a siege for a long time due to the limited water source.
In fact, the historical facts indicate that Naoya Castle has fallen twice in the three battles.
- In 1495, the castle (the lord was Sumiaki) was attacked by the allied forces of Ryuzoji clan and Omura clan and fell.
- In the 10th year of Eisho (1513), the lord of the castle, Sumitsugu, was attacked by his older brother Matsura Okinobu, but they settled the peace agreement in the same day.
- In the 6th year of Eiroku (1563), when Sumiharu was the lord, the castle was attacked by Matsura Takanobu of Hirado, and defeated at the end of a 10 day siege.
3 「姫落し」の伝説と脱出路
Legend of “Princess’ Escape” and Escape Route
According to the local folk tale collection "Shisa Monogatari" compiled by the Hirado Domain during the Edo period, the lord of Naoya Castle, Sumiharu, was attacked by the Matsura clan of Hirado in 1563, and he determined fight to death after 10 day siege.
It is said that at that time, Sumiharu wanted to save his young daughter, and he lowered the princess from the cliff top (called Jogahana) using the rope made of cloths. However, the legend of “Princess’ Escape” tells that the princess fell and died due to a lack of cloths.
There is a small hill called "Makinodake", which is said to have been a ranch for the war horses of Naoya Castle, and it is 1.5 km southeast of Naoya Castle. There is a legend that the princess is enshrined in the "Chigo Shrine" on the middle of the south side of the mountain near the rice field the princess own as her property. At the northern end of Naoya Castle, there is a protruding cliff with the height of 28m called "Jogahana", and it is said to be the stage of the legend of quot;Princess’ Escape".However, when a local researcher investigated the site of Joganashi, a small trail was found along the cliff on the east side, which is leading down to 5 m above the ground. It was the “escape-only trail" that cannot be climbed up from the ground. For this reason, it is more reasonable to think the legend of “Princess Drop” did not literally mean the princess was hang down and “fell” but used the escape route to flee because the word “drop” was also used to run away from the enemy at that time. After that, she may have been unfortunately caught and lead to the aforementioned "Chigo Shrine".
4 直谷城の水源と籠城
山城の直谷城は、「詰め城」である。一般的に山城は、平時において生活には不便な場所にある。 現在の松浦市志佐の陣の内城に本拠を構えていた城主の志佐氏が、戦国時代となってから八代 義(よろし)のときに、守りの堅固な直谷城に本拠を移したとされている。
- 員数分の食料や飲料水が必要量確保できること。
- 裏切り者や脱落者が出ないよう、将兵の志気が鼓舞されること。
- ①と②が継続している間に、みずから敵を撃退させるか、または協力して敵を撃退させ得る味方の来援が見込まれること。
- 現存する追手郭の井戸
- 直谷城古絵図にある元尾岳中腹の「筧(かけひ)谷」から300㍍ほど筧を引き、城の西側崖下に溜め込み、釣(つるべ)で汲み上げる。
- 出郭跡の南100㍍の井戸(調査の結果判明、現在の北部グラウンドの北側)
前項「3 姫落しの伝説と脱出路」の場合、当時多くの鉄砲を保有していた平戸松浦勢に対し、籠城側の志佐勢は弓矢で応戦したが、追手郭を突破され井戸を奪われた。戦況不利となった志佐勢は、家老の福井淡路をはじめ多くの家臣が城主に離反し敵に降っている。このため、10日間の籠城の後、残った少数の家臣とともに討死を覚悟した城主が幼い姫を逃そうとしたのだ。
Naoya Castle Water Source and Siege
The mountain castle, Naoya Castle is what we might call a mountain fortress. Generally, mountain castles are inconvenient for living in peacetime. It is said that the lord of the Shisa clan originally had the headquoters in Jinnouchi castle in present Shisa, Matsuura City, and moved to Naoya Castle, which is stronger castle in defense, after the Warring States period begun at the time of Yoroshi, the 8th lord of the Shisa clan. Surrounded by a 30-meter cliff, Naoya Castle was extremely superior in defense. We will try to consider the necessary conditions and the actual situation regarding the siege battle set in Naoya Castle.
In order to succeed in battle during a siege, the following conditions are considered necessary.
- Ample food and drinking water for the number of members.
- Ongoing morale of the soldiers so that there will be no traitors or dropouts.
- During the conditions ① and ② are still met, must defeat the enemy, or have a possible help from the allied forces to join to defeat the enemy.
These three conditions are indispensable, and without all thee, it is most likely that the castle will fall during a siege. Additionally, it is better to have good more weapons and ammunition , but in the case of Naoya Castle, the siege will most likely succeed as long as the above mentioned three conditions are available.
Let’s research on the drinking water condition of Naoya castle, one of the above listed three conditions. During the peace time, it is said that there were three water sources in Naoya Castle:
- A well in the entrance enclosure (of which the remains still exist today)
- A water trench (drawing water using a 300m bamboo gutter. It runs from a water source in Kakehi Valley on the middle of Mt. Motoo to the pond at the rear or west-side of the castle to draw water up the cliff by stringed bucket.)
- The well 100m south of the outer enclosure (found as the result of the research: at the north side of the present Northern Ground)
The water sources ② and ③ are considered to be outside of the castle territory, so would not have been accessible when under siege.
Naturally, the water source during a siege solely depends on this well. This well has not been fully excavated yet, but judging from the terrain of the area, the well could not be full of the spring water.
However, it was possible to save the well water and use it wisely in the time of emergency to make it last for a certain time during a siege. Because of the above reasons, most of the defensive functions are intensively placed in the front enclosure in order to protect and secure the well in the castle, and to protect the well literally means “the life line of the siege.”
Referring to the previous section "3 Legend of Princess’ Escape and Escape Route", the Hirado Matsuura clan had a lot of guns at that time while the Shisa clan was holding the castle and fighting back with the bows and arrows. As a result, the enemy dominated the entrance enclosure and the Shisa clan lost the well. Seeing the difficult war situation, a lot of the retainers including the chief retainer, Fukui Awaji, betrayed the lord of the castle and surrendered to the enemy. Because of that, at the end of the 10 day siege, the lord of the castle made the final decision to fight and die in battle along with the few remaining retainers, but he also tried to let his young princess escape from the castle. Even though the battle in the besieged mountain castle is very strong in defense topographically, lacking just one of the essential conditions for the effective siege would cause the war situation very difficult. Naoya Castle remains us of the severe battle in the besieged castle during the hard-edged Waring States period.